Moscow 1, Esenina str., Lyuberetsky district, Korenevo village, Moscow region


1, Esenina str., Lyuberetsky district, Korenevo village, Moscow region

42 Energetikov str., Dzerzhinskiy city, Moscow region


195027, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Магнитогорская, 17, ЛИТ И


456601, Челябинская обл., г. Копейск, 1-й пер. Снайперский, 16, ЛИТ, А 21


623700, Свердловская обл., г. Березовский, ЦОФ, 5


420061, Респ. Татарстан, г. Казань, ул. Аграрная, 2


664000, Иркутская обл., г. Иркутск, Горка тер, 3, пакгауза


630052, Новосибирская обл., г. Новосибирск, ул. Толмачевская, 19, склад, 2


644009, Омская обл., г. Омск, ул. 10 лет Октября, 195В, ЛИТ 3а, 2


440028, Пензенская обл., г. Пенза, проезд Германа Титова, 3А, ЛИТ, Д


614033, Пермский край, г. Пермь, ул. Василия Васильева, 8, ЛИТЕР А


344114 г.Ростов-на-Дону, ул.Атарбекова,1/2


443109, Самарская обл., г. Самара, п. Зубчаниновка, ул. Товарная, 70, кор. 2, 11А


450015, Республика Башкортостан, г, Уфа, ул. Малая Силикатная, 27

+7 (495) 744-11-62
Русский (ru)
English (en)

About us

Tradename «Timosha» has existed on the market since 1998, and is represented on the whole territory of The Russian Federation, as well as in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Belarus, Germany, Israel, and the United States. The head office of the company

«Timosha» is located in Moscow and has a branch network in the cities of Russia: Saint Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Kazan, Penza.

All our products are in high demand and are represented in all leading chains in Russia.

The company «Timosha» has its own fleet of cars and delivers the goods to its customers in the shortest possible time.

The quality of our products has been and remains the most impeccable, it is constantly monitored by specialists with many years of experience in this field. This is confirmed by the program

«Test Purchase» on the first channel, where in June 2012 halva.

«Timosha» became the winner, leveraging the main competitors! The company «Timosha» has gained fame in the market as a supplier of high-quality products and has a reputation as a reliable business partner. We do everything to ensure that cooperation with us is reliable and productive

Our awards:

Winner of the 2012 Test purchase

Winner of Natural Selection 2018
